Me, Myself, and Duck Dynasty.

I have seen an interesting dichotomy of opinions concerning Phil Robertson, A&E, and Duck Dynasty.  This is an observation only and is by no means scientific.

It seems there is one camp of thought that is concerned that Mr. Robertson’s freedom of speech was trampled by the network that has made millions from airing Duck Dynasty.  I agree that ol’ Phil should have tempered his comments a bit, knowing that anything he might say would get scrutinized by a media hell-bent on finding fault with one who calls himself a Christ-follower.  Bottom line, though, A&E was and is out of line for biting the hand that feeds them.  If I were a Robertson brother, I might vote to quit A&E altogether, after their current contract expires, if A&E doesn’t fully reinstate Phil immediately.

There is another camp of thought that seems to be vilifying Mr. Robertson and those in the Church concerned about his freedom of speech by saying things like, “aren’t there more important things in the world, such as hunger and people dying needlessly?”  I agree that we as believers sometimes get our priorities mixed up.  We are a media-driven society and that tends to isolate us from the things that Christ calls us to do, indeed the things that Christ Himself did, such as feed the poor, heal the sick, and comfort those who are hurting.

BOTH OF THESE VIEWS ARE RIGHT. And each is wrong if taken to the extreme.  

Some people tend to forget that God is a holy God.  Greasy grace.  As believers we should be lovey-dovey and forgiving and just get along with everyone.  We are uncomfortable with those who have prophetic voices, uttered both with love and without, who cry out against sin and injustice and call us to action as Christian warriors.  We are in a battle with evil, remember?  You have battle arraignment for a reason (Eph 6:10-18).

Likewise, some people tend to forget Christ’s words in John 13:35 and Paul’s exhortation in 1 John 4:7-8.  Go ahead, look them up for yourself. 🙂  Most of the time, it’s just easier for us to write a check and send it to a missionary or an organization.  Seldom do we want to actually get our hands dirty with actual WORK, such as helping build a school for children in a Third World nation, or helping dig a well for a village that will die if it doesn’t get water, or helping till a field that will grow food so that village doesn’t also starve, or wiping the brow and cleansing the wounds of a leper or someone who has a serious life-threatening disease.  We forget that two-thirds of God’s name is GO.  

Both schools of thought are equally valid IF they go hand-in-hand.  Each is an expression of the heart of God.  God is eternally holy and just and cannot be in the presence of sin.  God is also endlessly merciful and gracious and is a perfect example of love.  If we have one and not the other, then we are not experiencing the fullness of Christ.

So to those yacking about freedom of speech: Yeah, you’re right, but chill.  Get off your comfy couch, stop watching your reality show on your 50″ Vizio, and go DO something in the real world about the Gospel.  Maybe sell the Hummer or the Caddy, buy a smaller vehicle and give the difference to the poor. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.  Pass out coats to the homeless.  Pay off someone’s layaway at Walmart or Target.  Stop being selfish.

To those yacking about “more important issues:”  Yeah, you’re right, but chill.  Stop thinking the Gospel is all about doing good deeds.  Our forefathers shed their blood and gave up everything they had so you can have the freedom to enjoy resting on your good deeds.  If we don’t stand up for our freedom of speech, our freedom of religion may be the next freedom to get taken away.  

If good deeds get us into heaven, then walking into my garage makes me a car.  Well, not just any car.  A 1969 Cutlass 442 with a 455 and a 4-speed Muncie transmission. Classic muscle car and gas-guzzler.  But as an old fart, that’s my choice of an all-time favorite car.  Hey, at least I’ll be able to deliver all those coats and all that food quickly, not to mention get them to church in record time.

Stay faithful, my friends. 

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